About Recurring Impacts

Recurring Impacts is a key feature on B1G1 that helps you embed giving into your business. You create a story that links your business activity with an impact.

For example:  When I send an email, I give one day of access to clean water.

You can create as many Recurring Impacts as you wish! Some of our members have found a multitude of creative ways to embed giving into their business.

Create a Recurring Impact

To create a Recurring Impact:

  1. Head to the Create Impacts tab in your left navigation bar.

  1. Click on Create Recurring Impacts.
  2. With the drag-and-drop interface, from the left Activities column, choose a business activity that you want to link, and from the right Impacts column, choose a project that you favorited earlier.

Note: If you have not favorited any projects, the Global Projects will appear by default.

  1. Click CREATE and you're done!

Tip: B1G1 also gives you the ability to automatically give to a project every month. Automate Your Recurring Impacts covers the steps to do that. 

Edit a Recurring Impact

While you are on the Recurring Impacts page, hover over the menu of your Recurring Impact and a few options will show. Then, click on Edit.

Here, you will be asked to edit these items:

  • Quantity of impacts
  • Activities text
  • Switch to Monthly giving

Note: You cannot change the project used in the Recurring Impact. Please create a new Recurring Impact instead.

Embed a Recurring Impact

While you are on the Recurring Impact page, hover over the menu of your Recurring Impact and a few options will show. Then, click on Embed.

You will see a preview of the Recurring Impact and how it will look like on your website. Simply click ' Embed This Counter' and a code will be copied. Then, paste the code on your website. Find out how to use and maximise your widgets in Using Your Widgets.

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